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Nuon's Phototherapy Innovation Enlightening BeautySolutions

Shenzhen, China - 2024/03/27 - Nuon Medical Technologiesis proud to announce its latest innovation in skincare: PhototherapyTechnology, designed to bring advanced light-based treatments directly toconsumers. This breakthrough leverages FDA-cleared light spectrums, integratedinto cosmetic packaging, to enhance skin health and beauty. Nuon’s PhototherapyTechnology represents a significant advancement in the accessibility ofprofessional-grade treatments, offering customizable solutions that delivertargeted results.

Revolutionizing Skincare with Phototherapy

Phototherapy, also known as light therapy, uses specificwavelengths of light to treat various skin conditions and improve overall skinhealth. Traditionally available only in clinical settings, phototherapy hasbeen shown to effectively manage conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and signsof aging. Nuon’s innovation integrates these powerful light therapies directlyinto the applicators of skincare products, allowing users to benefit from thesetreatments in the comfort of their own homes.

“By embedding phototherapy into skincare packaging, we’retransforming the way people approach their beauty routines,” said Leson, Headof Product Development at Nuon Medical Technologies. “Our technology not onlyenhances the effectiveness of skincare products but also provides apersonalized, therapeutic experience for users.”

Key Features of Nuon’s Phototherapy Technology

  • FDA-Cleared     Light Spectrums: Nuon’s Phototherapy Technology utilizes a range of     FDA-cleared light wavelengths, each with specific benefits for skin     health:some text
    • UV      Light (100-400 nm): Treats conditions such as psoriasis and vitiligo,      and is also used in disinfection and sterilization processes.
    • Low      Blue Light (415 nm): Targets acne-causing bacteria, particularly Propionibacterium      acnes, reducing inflammation and improving skin clarity.
    • High      Blue Light (465 nm): Effective in treating acne and known for its      calming effects on the skin.
    • Blue      & Red Combo (415 nm + 630 nm): Combines blue and red light to      combat acne, reduce redness, and offer anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Yellow      Light (590 nm): Reduces redness and improves skin tone, particularly      around the eyes.
    • Yellow      + Infrared Combo (590 nm + 825 nm): Stimulates collagen production      and rejuvenates the skin, targeting anti-aging concerns.
    • Red      Light (630 nm): Promotes anti-aging by stimulating collagen      production and improving skin texture.
    • Deep      Red Light (650 nm): Aids in hair regrowth by stimulating hair      follicles.
    • Red      + Infrared Combo (630 nm + 850 nm): Stimulates blood flow,      accelerates wound healing, and provides pain relief.
    • Infrared      Light (1072 nm): Penetrates deeply to treat conditions such as      herpes, muscle pain, and joint inflammation.
  • Customizable     and Modular Design: Like all of Nuon’s technologies, Phototherapy can     be customized to suit various product formats, from serums to creams and     masks. This modular approach allows brands to integrate the specific     wavelengths of light that best complement their product’s active     ingredients and target benefits.
  • Broad     Spectrum of Benefits: Nuon’s Phototherapy Technology offers a range of     benefits, from acne treatment and skin rejuvenation to pain relief and     hair regrowth. Each wavelength is carefully selected and FDA-cleared,     ensuring safety and efficacy for home use.
  • User-Friendly     Application: Despite its advanced capabilities, Nuon’s Phototherapy     Technology is designed for ease of use. Consumers can enjoy the benefits     of professional-grade treatments with the simple press of a button, all     while applying their favorite skincare products.

Enlightening the Path to Better Skin

Nuon’s Phototherapy Technology is set to revolutionizeat-home skincare by integrating powerful light therapies into everydayproducts. This innovation not only enhances the efficacy of skincare routinesbut also offers consumers a luxurious, spa-like experience at home.


Nuon’s Phototherapy Technology is now available forintegration into a variety of skincare and wellness products. Brands interestedin exploring how this technology can enhance their offerings are encouraged tocontact Nuon Medical Technologies for customization options.

About Nuon Medical Technologies

Nuon Medical Technologies is a leader in the development ofinnovative, technology-driven solutions for the cosmetic and medicalindustries. With a strong foundation in medical device technology, Nuonspecializes in creating modular, customizable products that enhance thefunctionality and appeal of skincare and wellness products.


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